How to Get Out of a Creative Rut

Have you been feeling down and unmotivated lately? Do you feel like you have run out of ideas? If yes, it’s okay and it happens to a lot of us. How do you get out of that rut? Let’s go over 3 ways to overcome creative ruts.


1.    Take a mental break


This is essential to your health. Remove distractions and maybe go for a walk/run. Also, go on a social media break. Social media can be overwhelming when trying to push out content and beat/figure out the algorithm. I have seen many creatives take social media breaks and they have had no regrets in taking them, including me. This will help clear your mind and you can regain focus.


2.    Watch a movie


Enjoy one of your favorite movies or go out to the movies. You just might become inspired by something while watching.


3.     Get some much-needed rest 


Don’t force or push yourself so hard that you skip out on what you need the most which is rest. If the ideas are not just there then don’t stress and take time to unwind. Your body will thank you. This is a good reset for your body and mind to get those creative juices back flowing.


Sometimes when you stop looking or searching for ideas the ideas usually end up right in front of you. Let’s all remember that it is normal to have creative ruts and remember to take breaks.


Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this read.